What problems do you work with?

We would be happy to meet with you for an assessment of any emotional or psychological issues you would like to work on psychotherapeutically. This can include stress (including exam stress), anxiety, low self-esteem, depression/low mood, anger management, past trauma, feeling stuck, and difficulties in relationships as well as Eating Disorders..

What if I am feeling desperate?

Please note that we only provide psychotherapy, and are not able to provide ongoing support or medical care for you. Although we can work with clients with a history of self-harm, we would recommend that if this currently an acute difficulty or if you are feeling suicidal that you contact your GP for referral to General Psychiatric Services (either Private or NHS).

Do you work with patients who are underweight?

We can work with people with Eating Disorders who are underweight, but would suggest that if your weight/BMI is low (<16), that you should seek referral to an Eating Disorders Specialist Service (either via your GP or privately) to support and monitor you physically whilst you are in therapy with us. We may sometimes recommend this to you at our assessment.

Can I see you for a drug or alcohol problem?

Although our clients may have difficulties around their use of substances, we will not be able to work with clients where this is the main issue and may suggest other agencies that you can contact.