Dr Nina Page is a Counselling Psychologist registered with HCPC and BPS. . Eating disorders are Nina’s area of expertise and special interest. She has worked in outpatient and inpatient specialist Eating Disorders Services both with adolescents and adults. Her experience of working with people with eating issues and troubled relationship with their bodies at different stages of life has deepened her understanding of the psychological complexities underlying eating disorders. .
Nina gained experience of working with most psychological therapies for eating disorders recommended by the NICE guidelines: SSCM (Specialist Supportive Clinical Management), MANTRA (Maudsley Model of Anorexia Treatment for Adults), Focal Psychodynamic Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa and CBT-E (Enhanced CBT for Eating Disorders). Nina’s specialised insight into differentiated approaches means that she can offer her clients the most appropriate psychological treatment, working collaboratively with them to meet their individual needs. .
In addition to her degree in psychology, Nina completed a comprehensive 4-year training in a psychodynamic psychotherapy and recently has attended training in Mentalization Based Treatment. Both approaches resonate with her clinical curiosity and wish to discover together with clients what could be hidden “behind the scene” of the symptom, which is blocking their potential. .
For several years Nina has combined clinical practice with research and academic teaching. Her research has been focused on in-depth understanding of the relationship between an experience of one’s own body and a sense of personal identity. Nina is an author of articles published in peer reviewed journals in a field of personality and cognitive psychology.

Feedback for Nina
I feel very lucky to have worked with Nina. She is impeccably professional and very skilled – her ability to so subtly and intelligently steer a conversation, raise points, prompt ideas, question thinking is a marvel to experience. She is caring and sensitive, taking everything you say seriously and with respect, but at the same time she manages to question and challenge unhelpful thinking without you feeling patronised or defensive. It’s really impressive (and reassuring) to see someone who can guide a conversation, draw on various methods and psychological theories as needed, remember what you said four sessions ago, take in what you’re saying now, and do it all so kindly and intelligently. Quite a craft, and I have benefited greatly from it
I felt fully supported by Nina and her calm and caring manner has really been a blessing during a particularly difficult transition period of my life
Nina is very professional, skilled, and kind. I initially came with the aim of weight loss and I was very resistant to the idea of needing to focus on anything other than creating a calorie deficit. Working for the past ?18 months with Nina has been enlightening, and the process has made me realise that life isn’t just about appearance and weight, rather that it is for enjoying and living life to the fullest – this in turn has helped my eating patterns. My self-esteem has increased, and my mind can now focus on other thoughts rather than the panic that used to surround food, appearance and eating. I now wear shorts and skirts; I’ve been on dates and I now have strategies that I can use with food. I look forward to continuing to work with her. Thanks Nina!
I really appreciated my therapy sessions with Nina. She was incredibly thoughtful. Through discussing how I felt about different issues in my life, I found I was able to achieve more flexibility which was a goal of mine and to become more aware of my own reasoning behind decisions I made. I plan to carry what we have worked on together with me in all aspects of my day to day life.