Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based treatment for trauma recognised by the NICE guidance. According to its creator it was designed “to help liberate from the past and into a healthy present” (Shapiro, 2018).

Therefore, EMDR was designed to heal from a traumatic experience, including one-off events such as an accident or attack, or a difficult stage of life when suffering ongoing distress as in the experience of child abuse; exposure to the suffering of others, such as may be faced within the medical or policing professions, or within a humanitarian context. It is also useful to overcome a performance related problem.

This therapy helps us to connect significant earlier experiences with our current difficulties, to process and move beyond the emotional legacy of the past and to face current and future situations renewed.

Therapy can be offered in person or online. Sessions typically take place either weekly or every two weeks and a course of treatment often takes place over about twelve sessions although it can also last longer. Do get in touch if you would like to book an appointment with an experienced practitioner.