Therapy for Depression

Our mental health can be impacted for a variety of reasons. Although we all feel sad and low from time to time, you may be suffering with depression if feelings of sadness linger for longer periods of time, motivation to engage in everyday activities (even the ones that gave us pleasure) reduces and slowly other areas of life are affected.

Depression is the most widely reported mental disorder globally. According to the Mental Health Statistics for England women are more likely to suffer with depression than men and children are more likely to make a speedier recovery. However, regardless of your gender or age, depression is known to have a significant detrimental impact on one’s ability to engage cognitively, emotionally and socially. Disengagement from activities that once were a source of joy is common but adds to the negative impact on mood, thus creating the self-fulfilling vicious cycle of depression. Therefore, treading the line between self-care and taking time out from stressful activities, whilst maintaining a level of social engagement is an important factor in recovery.

In therapy you will find a safe space where you can think with someone else’s’ mind about what may be affecting your mood. There are many types of therapy and each will address your emotional difficulties from a slightly different angle depending on your presentation. For example, CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) aims to identify and challenge maladaptive thoughts and behaviours whilst looking for alternative ways of thinking and engaging with the world around us. Whereas a piece of psychodynamic psychotherapy will aim to understand inner conflicts in the context of the client’s history and how these are manifested in their experience.

No approach is better over another. However, some individuals may be more suited to a particular type of therapy. Therefore, it is important to complete a thorough assessment of your difficulties so you are offered a treatment suitable to your needs.

When feeling low it can be difficult to hold on to hope and trust that a therapeutic relationship can make a difference. However, like all other relationships, fostering a trusting working alliance can take time and we would like to encourage you to share your thoughts and experience candidly with your therapist. It is important that you feel able to work collaboratively in creating a safe space where difficulties can be voiced and addressed in sessions.

Clients who completed therapy reported a reduction in depressive symptoms alongside  meaningful improvements in self-esteem.

If you are feeling low and stuck do get in touch. We would like to join you on your life’s journey, hopefully out of the depression and towards a more wholesome emotional experience.